What is the os library? It allows us to "talk" to the console. One of the most powerful things we can do with this library is allow it to clear the console EXAMPLE: import os print("Welcome") print("to") print("Replit") os.system("clear") username = input("Username: ") Time Library We can import a second library by placing a , after the name of the first library. EXAMPLE: import os, time print("Welcome") print("to") print("Replit") time.sleep(10) os.system("clear") username = input("Username: ") NOTE: from replit import audio import os, time def play(): source = audio.play_file('audio.wav') source.paused = False # unpause the playback while True: stop_playback = int(input("Press 2 anytime to stop playback and go back to the menu : ")) # giving the user the option to stop playback if stop_playback == 2: source.paused = True # let'...