Funny, eh? Funny, how?
Dad Jokes
The API we're using today is the awesome icanhazdadjoke. Go and check out their API documentation before continuing. Look at the endpoint to see the URL to access and the format of the data we'll get back.
👉 Here's the code to get a random dad joke and output it. NOTE - The second argument (headers=) in requests.get() is really important. It tells the code that we don't want the website back, we want JSON data in a specific format. Sometimes you need to do that.
import requests, json
result = requests.get("", headers={"Accept":"application/json"}) # get a random dad joke from the site endpoint and assign to a variable. The second argument (the header request) tells the script to return the json data as a string.
joke = result.json()
print(json.dumps(joke, indent=2))
👉 I can change the print statement to just output the joke instead of the whole dictionary.
The API for this site is a really good one to learn from as it gives lots of great examples of how to import jokes in different formats.
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