Making this customizable 👉So how about making our search user customizable? In the code below, I have: Asked the user to input an artist (line 14) Tidied up their input (line 15) formatted the search URL as an fString that includes the artist (line 19) Here's tAutomate! Automate! We are so close. I can taste it, folks! Massive kudos on getting this far! Today's lesson, however, will work best if you have one of Replit's paid for features (hacker plan or cycles). Free plan Repls 'fall asleep' after a while. Automation kinda relies on the Repl being always on. If you have hacker plan or you've bought some cycles, then you can enable always on in the drop down menu that appears when you click your Repl name (top left).he code: This is important because when our repl is always running, it can keep track of time and schedule events. 👉 I've set up a simple schedule that prints out a clock emoji every couple of seconds. It works like this: Import schedule librar...
Web Scraping Some websites don't have lovely APIs for us to interface with. If we want data from these pages, we have to use a tecnique called scraping. This means downloading the whole webpage and poking at it until we can find the information we want. You're going to use scraping to get the top ten restaurants near you. Get started 👉 Go to a website like Yelp and search for the top 10 reastaurants in your location. Copy the URL. url = "" Import libraries 👉 Import your libraries. Beautiful soup is a specialist library for extracting the contents of HTML and helping us parse them. Run the Repl once your imports are sorted because we want the Beautiful Soup library to be installed (it'll run quicker this way). import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = "